Key Points:

  • Housing is a major benefit of traveling.
  • Housing is often key to a good assignment.
  • Ask for what you want and need, the devil's in the details!
  • Taking a housing stipend instead of provided housing can have big benefits.
  • The benefits of taking a housing stipend can include extra take home money, and exactly the housing you want.
  • Taking a stipend and finding your own housing can be a lot of work.
  • Tips and resources for finding your own housing.
  • For some travelers, an RV is an excellent housing option!

Housing provided by agencies

A major benefit of traveling is having housing provided by the agency. However, do remember that there is no “free” housing.  All benefits come out of the bill rate the agency is charging the hospital for your services. The housing choices you make will directly affect your take home pay. Also be aware that agency provided housing or housing stipend is taxable if you do not have a legitimate tax home.

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